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Systemic Electronic Export is an innovative
developer and manufacturer of radar equipment and
automated command and control systems

SEE has a long history of cooperation with the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and with the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion into Ukraine, this area of work has become a priority for us. Currently, SEE LLC is actively involved in various projects for the needs of the Ukrainian Defense Forces. Our company's researchers are conducting research and development work on behalf of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine to find new technical air defense solutions. Our technical staff has carried out restorative repairs on a voluntary basis of a significant number of air defense equipment provided to Ukraine by international partners. In addition, SEE LLC is a subcontractor under one of the state defense orders of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. In close cooperation with the Armed Forces of Ukraine, our company is currently working on the development and implementation of a multi-level automated air defense command and control system in Ukraine. This system will be based on the network-centric principles of warfare and will integrate both air defense assets of Air Force, air defense units of critical infrastructure protection and the Land Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In addition, our company provides technical assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine in adjustment and equipping with required items considering local requirements of air defense and radar systems supplied by foreign partners of Ukraine Thanks to SEE's contacts with foreign partners, it is possible to specify the real technical needs in radar and air defense equipment, as well as to provide reliable feedback on the effectiveness of use of different equipment.

International cooperation
SEE LLC is open to international cooperation and has all the necessary documents to export its own developments abroad and to import various types of quipment for the needs of Ukrainian state customers. Since its foundation, the company has fulfilled several export contracts and continues to work in this direction. We have an adaptive approach to each client and offer flexible solutions. Our company is a regular participant in international exhibitions of military and dual-use products.
Areas of possible cooperation:
Development, production and integration in the customer's country of automated command and control systems for air force and air defense units;
Repair and modernization of radar equipment;
Production and supply of radar equipment;
Joint assembly of SEE products in the customer's country.
In addition, our company's international cooperation ensures the best possible support to our Armed Forces. Such cooperation is aimed at exchange of experience, efficient use of advanced world technologies transferred to our country as aid, integration into unified air defense system of Ukraine of western equipment and coordination of restoration of foreign equipment transferred to the Armed Forces. To do this SEE employees participate in periodic meetings with official representatives of partner countries in Ukraine and exchange technical information on the use of Western radar systems and air defense equipment in our countryand their efficiency.
Contact Data
LET'S get in touch
System Electronic Export LLC
03124, Kyiv, Vaclav Havel Boulevard, 16 A