Automated C2 Systems
One of the main and most promising areas of work of the SEE company at the moment is development and production of automated command and control systems for air defense units and air force, known in the world as C2 systems and their variations.
Such systems significantly increase the use effectiveness of aviation and anti-aircraft weapons. They unite various types of target detecting and destroying systems into a single network, which makes it possible to choose the optimal weapon to solve air defense tasks. This, in turn, reduces the time it takes to complete tasks, saves ammunition and reduces the likelihood of "friendly" fire even in the event of a malfunction of the IFF system.
Our specialists have many years of experience in production of command posts for aviation and air defense, which allows us to develop solutions that meet highest quality standards and modern requirements. At the same time, the systems developed by the SEE company have been tested during real combat actions in Ukraine in situations of multiple most modern weapons attacks. They are based on simple and intuitive logic and do not require long training of operators.
We provide end-to-end solutions, including design, manufacture, supply, installation, configuration and after-sales maintenance of our command points.
Nabat Aviation and Air Defense C2 system
Strategic-level C2 system that combines radar capabilities, aviation and ground-based weapons
Use of artificial intelligence for optimal decisions
Protection of the system from a single point of failure
Use of network-centric warfare principles
The Nabat automated command and control system developed by SEE LLC is designed to automate tasks and functions of troops, air and air defense assets control, bringing troops into readiness for use, and planning the use of air and air defense forces. The system integrates objects control, automation equipment and sensors from different manufacturers. The depth and scope of Nabat C2 system may differ depending on customer requirements. Nabat's regular control objects are automated command posts of subordinated units and subdivisions, including the following:
• anti-aircraft missile brigades;
• aviation brigades;
• radio engineering units;
• aviation command posts of direct subordination;
• anti-aircraft missile divisions of direct subordination;
• radio technical units of direct subordination.

Krechet C2 system for critical objects air defense
Use of artificial intelligence for optimal decisions
Three production versions: mobile, stationary, fast deployment
Automated air defense control commands at the lowest possible level
Use of radars and weapon systems from different manufacturers
The automated command post of the air defense tactical group "Krechet" is designed for operational control of mobile fire groups of air defense while protecting important infrastructure facilities and troop groups from air strikes. It allows to combine 5 detection sensors and 10 mobile air defense combat groups with various means of destruction into a single local network.
ACP "Krechet", in its essence, is a modern tactical-level C2 system designed for conducting network-centric combat operations. Thanks to the open architecture of its design, it allows rapid integration of radars and various anti-aircraft weapons (from anti-aircraft machine guns to missile air defense systems) of any manufacturer into a network that can be connected to command posts of both higher and the same levels. Integration of weapons is carried out either directly through data exchange protocols or by installing tactical tablets in combat vehicles.